Red Flag Rules

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The FTC, has implemented a program to identify and prohibit identity theft in businesses. Dental office has been assessed as “low risk”, which means it is unlikely that theft will occur within the office. Our practice has been assessed by Dr. David Fishbaugh and he has concluded that Identity Theft is not occurring in this practice. Here are the parameters we have in place to protect your identity:

  • Our office has a state of the art computer program and network that our patient information is protected and stored in.
  • Our building is locked and protected by an alarm system to prevent stealing of patient information in charts.
  • We have a shred box that is not accessible by Dr. Fishbaugh or staff, to destroy sensitive documents.
  • We do not throw any patient information in the garbage.
  • We only release information to the insurance company that you specify. Please be sure that the information we have on file is correct.
  • We require picture ID’s from parents of all new patients.
  • We do not release any information without written request, signed by the parent/guardian.

We will continue to update our practice with the latest Red Flag Rules information available to us. We will update the staff annually or as needed. As more technology is available to us, we will incorporate it into our practice. Tonya Burns will be the staff member responsible for training and updating the staff and doctor. Please note that we are making every effort to prevent any personal information from being abused from this practice, however we will still need all information to be able to file insurance for your child.